Holy Burmese Cats Cattery
The ancient history of the Burmese cat is shrouded in mystery. It is said that many years ago, on the slope of Mount Lugh in Burma, there was a temple in honor of Tsun Kyan-Kse, the sapphire-eye goddess who looked after departing souls. One hundred cats with amber eyes inhabited the temple as its companions and guards. One night the temple was attacked by Siam, who murdered Mun-Ha, the senior priest. As he lay, dying in front of the statue of the goddess, his favorite cat, Sinh, jumped on his head. Suddenly the cat began to change its appearance. His body turned golden, and his ears, nose, and legs were brown as earth. The paws with which he touched the dying priest remained snow-white, and the eyes became sapphire like those of the goddess Tsun Kyan-Kse. After a week, the remaining ninety-nine cats also underwent transformations.
It's a legend, and the true story of this cat's arrival to the west is simpler. It is known that a pair of Burmese were sent from Burma to France in 1919 as a gift to British Army officer Major Gordon Russell. One of the cats died on the way, but the other one survived the journey and had children in France.
The Burmese cat is extremely affectionate and gentle by nature. She likes being around people so much that she will follow you step by step, from room to room, in search of companionship. It tolerates the presence of other cats and dogs well. He especially likes children and will be a good and loving pet.

The weight of Burmese cats is from 3 to 6 kg. Females are usually much smaller than males. Their silhouette is well-muscled and strong, but not too heavy. The body structure is stocky, a bit elongated. The head is triangular in shape, the ears are small.
Characteristic for Burmese cats are their round, large eyes of sapphire color - dark blue.
The hair of the Burmese is semi-long, smooth, soft and silky. The color of the coat may vary. These cats are mostly white or cream colored, with darker faces, ears, feet and tail. There is also shading on the back. The so-called socks, i.e. white hair on the paws, are characteristic.
Burmese cats are a combination of peace and cheerful disposition. They are perfect for houses and apartments, for seniors and children. They feel good in the company of people and other animals, but they are best among other sacred Burmese cats.